Monday, March 1, 2010

Untangling the Bones

Living Deeply...
Packed up, moved out, left town and came back again the very same day. Then came February...

In the conscious crafting woman's circle I meet with on Moondays, facilitated by Sharmaine Goldman, the theme of the month was our "hearts desire". Using papier mache over a heart shaped balloon, we were invited to symbolically create our heart's desire. We started with a simple journey guided by the instructions to trust what comes. A feeling of peace and a white dove are what came to me. I was somewhat surprised that it was not some vision of abundance, or romance, or even a house considering my present state of homelessness. While I wasn't sure how to "create" that in papier maché yet, I was compelled by the clarity of the feeling I experienced in the opening journey.

That week divine timing gifted me with a celebration. Just after an hour of dancing in what felt like a "stuck or frustrated" energy, my balloon heart spontaneously exploded from the inside out with a burst of confetti raining down on me. The release sent me into a joyous dance of wonder and gratitude. And my heart now resembled a rib cage, bare bones exposed for all to see.

On the new moon, I seeded a journey asking to learn about self-love and compassion. And a desire to explore structure after still not knowing what direction to go in, inspired a continuation in the vision of Move Freely, Live Deeply and "BONES" was conceived.

During the 9 days of gestation I explored the "art of body reading" with Duncan Fraser, began reading "Women Who Run With the Wolves" and discovered the story of "Skeleton Woman" about the Life/Death/Life cycle. (read skeleton women) I worked on my "heart's desire craft" and watched it transform into a beautiful bird cage, a house for my heart, protected yet open to be seen, open to the light. Clues abounded and synchronicities increased as I began seeing the "bones" of everything I looked at.

Then we danced...

In Nia we moved the bones, played with them to express boldly, to move creatively "within the box", and to shape shift energy.
In the ecstatic
dance journey, we asked our selves, "what must I give more death to today, in order to generate more life?". My dance became an offering of the bones. I "turned up the volume" feeling the exhaustion from the ego holding on and dragged myself through the sticky swamp of self-importance, collecting the discarded and buried pieces of the "not beautiful" into a heap of bones at the base of the altar. In the surrendering came tears, in the tears came tenderness. In the tenderness I felt the hands, and eyes, and breath of sacred bodies singing over sacred bones. With Andre's voice as the banks of our river, we opened our hearts and danced a new dance, stepping into the flow of the new life that wants to emerge.

I planted a seed of self-love at the new moon, Feb 13. On the full moon of the dance I gave that seed pieces of me that were ready to be composted and watered it with tears. I'm now untangling my bones with curiousity and compassion. Dancing with the knowing that the purpose of the body is to experience and extend love.

I finished my heart craft. In the process I realized that my heart not only wants to be seen, but wants to see! I want to see into your heart. I want to meet heart to heart. And so I'll continue polishing my heart so that it may become a mirror to reflect how beautiful you truly are.

Moving Freely...

"The skeleton is an excellent image for the life/ death/ life nature. As a psychic image, the skeleton is composed of hundreds of small and large odd-shaped sticks and knobs in continuous harmonious relationship to one another. When one bone turns, the rest turn, even if imperceptibly. The life/death/life cycles are like that exactly. When life moves the bones, the bones of death move sympathetically. When death moves, the bones of life begin to turn too." (excerpt from Women Who Run with the Wolves)

In Nia, Principle #10 X-Ray Anatomy, is the practice of using your eyes, your other sensory organs, and your intuition to see inside you. You can penetrate the veil of your flesh to perceive your alignment by focusing on the position of your bones and joints.
Try it! Stand comfortably in front of a mirror. Focus on your bones and joints. What are the shoulders doing, is the core twisted, what about the hips, which way are the knees pointing...? Be curious.
Tip: Be a witness, no judgements, just the facts! If you hear yourself judging, playfully call out "objection your honour!" In the simple act of bringing loving attention and acceptance, we can begin to untangle our bones from the inside out. Don't forget to breathe...

Move it! Duncan asked us, "Can you really feel the structure that your Spirit is housed in? Follow Duncan Fraser in these simple exercises as an embodied exploration.

Posture for balance and ease in the knees and hip joints.

Ex. #2

Move the elbows to release tension in the the small (intrinsic) muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle.

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