That's the question Beth Fein asked, and inspired a world wide movement project called "dance anyhwere". I heard about it on face book from a dance friend I met in Tucson. I met her through a Nia teacher I randomly connected with on the Nia website. Yes, the internet has an amazing potential to connect.
Yet, while the internet serves as a fantastic tool for creating opportunities for connection, there is no substitute for coming together in the physical. Connecting, feet to earth, and hand to hand.
That's what we did on Friday, March 26, 2010. A few emails just a few days before, and a passionate enthusiasm to share the JOY of dance with community was all it took to allow for the magic of co-creativity to unfold.
Andre brought his guitar and mic, Sharmaine brought some sidewalk chalk, and Charlotte rounded up the peeps who were curiously milling around the Village plaza. Together we "altared" the boardwalk infront of Artworks, playfully creating the space for our dance to unfold. At 12 noon, we circled up and the eagles flying high above us, joined in our dance.
Eagle medicine is the gift we give ourselves to remind us of the freedom of the skies. Eagle asks you to give yourself permission to legalize freedom and to follow the joy your heart desires!
~Jamie Sams and David Carson, Medicine Cards
The concept for dance anywhere® is about the transformation of familiar and ordinary locations and blurs the line that separates art and dance from our daily lives.
Together we awakened the magic of the moment using dance, music, playful intention, and togetherness. That is our intention for Move Freely, Live Deeply - transformational movement and music.
Quantum gratitude to all who danced, and to the eagle medicine.